All in game commands need to be entered EXACTLY like they are below. For instance, if the title says /e crossarms that means in game, you will need to physically press your T button, and type “/e crossarms”. Doing so, your character would cross their arms! Enjoy this extensive list of commands, and learn some new things that will open HUGE quality of life additions to your time in the city! This is is constantly being updated, and always available for players! So make sure to check back in periodically as we are constantly updating Project Rogue!
/fixdoors - Door not working or unlocking on your house, business, etc.? Use this command to refresh the doors!
/hud - Pulls a menu to toggle certain portions of your HUD and vehicle HUD !
/propstuck - If a prop sticks to you, like a box, phone, radio, etc. do this command
/surrenderpaintball - Use if you want to leave the paintball match or for whatever reason you scuff.
/fixeye - Use if your Left Alt (3rd eye) for interacting with stuff, gets stuck on your screen.
/hotbar - To force Hot Bar if it EVER gets stuck!
/streamermode- command allows players to disable all music running through car radios, DJ Booths, etc. from xSound. Great for events, or anyone who doesn’t want to hear DMCA music.
/report- Using this will open Project Rogue Report System UI, and you can report any type of bug, rule break, person, etc. to Staff.
/vsync- Using this will ATTEMPT to reset your voice box. Does not work EVERYTIME.
/telfix- Force closes your phone and reloads the UI. Meant for if for whatever reason it gets stuck on your screen.
/resetmyphone - This command will reset your phone position if you make a mistake in zoom or drag options in phone settings
/givecontact - Give player your contact information
/givecontact - Give someone your phone number. Sends your number to the other players phone in their suggested contacts tab.
/removebag - Removes backpacks that are bought from clothing stores that increase storage and slots
/drag - Will drag players
/undrag - Will undrag Players
/pv - Put In Vehicle
/ov - Out Of Vehicle
/outtrunk - Get out of a trunk
/intrunk - Get in a trunk
/pullouttrunk - Pull someone out of trunk
/putintrunk - Put someone in trunk
/911 - Pings officers your location so they can come to you!
/911ems [YOUR_MESSAGE] - Send messages directly to EMS and they will be able to respond and come to you!
/requestmech - Pings mechanics your location!
/garages - Shows what garages your vehicles are stored in
/gps - For when in a car, easily pick a destination, and it will waypoint for you!
/gpsc - To clear any waypoint on your GPS
/vm- Vehicle Doors and Control Menu
/tutorial - Start a Project Rogue city tour. Note: If you use this, you cannot stop the tour.
/ping (ID) - Use this command to ping someone your location! Ex. /ping 1 will ping whoever is ID 1 your location.
/dropbike - You can carry a bike through your 3rd eye by looking at it. Do this command to drop that bike!
/postal - Sets a GPS route to that postal
/key- Open house key menu
/cancelprogress - Cancel current progress bar for inventory usage.
/bill - Open 3rd Eye Billing Menu
/furnish - Furnish your owned house or a house.
/vol (1-100 NUMBER) - Example: /vol 50 will set my radio and phone to 50% volume
/mute - Mute Rogue VOIP systems
/radio - Will pull up radio NUI if you have a radio
/radiolist - Enable/Disable Radio List
/addbookmark - Opens UI to add bookmark for $5,000 in game cash! Spawn wherever you want!
/vm- Vehicle Doors and Control Menu
/seat1 - Puts player in Driver Seat
/seat2 - Puts player in Passenger Seat
/seat3 - Puts player Behind Driver Seat
/seat4 - Puts player Behind Passenger Seat
/trunk - Open the trunk of vehicle you are in.
/hood - Open the hood of your vehicle.
/engine - Turns on and off vehicle you are in
/givekeys - Opens a menu where you can give a player a set of keys to your vehicle. Will show the plates!
/garages - Shows what garages your vehicles are stored in
/gps - For when in a car, easily pick a destination, and it will waypoint for you!
/gpsc - To clear any waypoint on your GPS
/carmenu- Basic carmenu that will show you many options, including some of the above stuff as well!
/hotwire - Used to hotwire a stolen vehicle
/carsearch- In a stolen vehicle, use this command to search for goodies in the vehicle
/extra all on OR /extra all off - will put all extras on or take all extras off.
/extra 1 on or /extra 1 off - Will put the extra 1 on or off. Do this for all extras, 1,2, 3, 4, etc.
/nitro- If you have a NOS bottle, will activate and install the bottle to the car you are in. Have to be in vehicle.
/registration view “PLATE” - (ex. /registration view "ASF 853" - Will show yourself the registration)
/registration show “PLATE” - (ex. /registration show "ASF 853" - Will show someone else the registration
/nitro- If you have a NOS bottle, will activate and install the bottle to the car you are in. Have to be in vehicle.
/clear - Clear Players Chat
/ad - Players can advertise their stuff
/police - Meant for Police to announce something
/ambulance - Meant for Ambulance to announce something
/ooc - OOC chat
/ranon - Anonymous
/job - This command shows your job you have currently
/cash - This command shows how much cash you have on your person
/bank - This command shows what is in your bank account
/dirty - This command shows how much dirty cash you have on your person
/showinfo - This command shows bank, cash, dirty, job, and society if applicable.
/showsociety - This command shows your society fund if you are the boss of that job.
/id - Now shows players in city notification explaining their Citizen ID (otherwise known as PayPal, ID, In City ID, Shift + Home Number, etc.
/emote (emotename) - Play a emote, dance, etc. (ex. /emote crossarms will cross the players arms)
/e (emotename) - Play a emote, dance, etc. (ex. /e lol will make the player laugh)
/nearby (emotename) - Will play a shared animation if done correctly and player accepts. (ex. /nearby baseball will play a baseball scene with a nearby player)
/walklist - Shows list of walks
/savewalk - Command also will save your walk, i.e. /savewalk brave will save to the Database and you will now always walk like that till you change it!
/emotes - Show list of emotes
/dance [NUMBER] - Will make the player do a custom dance (Number can be 1-3400. ex. /dance 2984)
/endGame - For players in Arena Wars who want to leave
/dice (NUMBER) - Throw some dice. (ex. /roll 2 : will roll two dice)
/rps - Rock Paper Scissors
/bowlingleave - Leaves a bowling match mid game
/bowling - Pulls up Bowling Score Card
/bowlingvolume -Controls Bowling Volumes
/leavebasketball - To be able to leave the Basketball Games
/basketvolume- Control the sounds from the basketball games
/reticle- Enables a crosshair only when using a weapon
/spray (word) - If you have a spray paint can on your person, you can do this command to spray paint. Ex. /spray test would spray paint the word test on the wall if I had a spray paint can from the tool store.
/nitro- If you have a NOS bottle, will activate and install the bottle to the car you are in. Have to be in vehicle.
/boostingclose - Command will close the NUI if it glitches
/boostingclass - Command will print (F8) the vehicle class of the one you’re sitting in
/carthief_cancel - Command will cancel the car theft missions and scrap missions.
/plate - Install your original plate from your fake plate.
/selldrugs- Start selling drugs.
/drugscancel - Cancel Drug Mission
/drop_prop - Will drop a prop in House Robberies.
/steal - Open another persons inventory. (ensure you have read the rules on robbing players)
/pdpacific - This command will shut down the pacific standard bank after its been robbed! Cops need to ensure they use this.
/closestore - This command will shut down the Vangelico Jewelry Store after its been robbed! Cops need to ensure they use this.
/raid - raid a players house
/fix - Fixes a car at a police station if you are a cop or EMS
/mdt - Open your MDT
/miranda - Open your Miranda Card
/code (NUMBER) - Alert police of what code you are in. For instance /code 99
/jail (ID) (TIME) - Example: Jail 3 10 will Jail ID 3 for 10 minutes.
/frisk - Pats some down for weapons
/taxireset - Reset Taxi Meter
/taxifreeze - Freeze Taxi Meter
/clipboard - Mechanic Clipboard
/canceltow - Mechanics can cancel their tow job
/tow - Tow a vehicle