This is a list of up to date keybinds within Project Rogue Roleplay. We are constantly changing this as our city and server continue to evolve! Always make sure to check back in for any refreshments on how to navigate while in the city of Project Rogue! Make sure to also check out right HERE for our list of active commands that can be highly useful for you as well!
W - Walk Forward
S - Walk Backwards
A - Walk Left
D - Walk Right
C - Look Behind You
V - Change Your View (Look Through 1st Person, And 3 Different Over Shoulder Views)
H - Hold H to Put Your Hands Up
B - Points Left Finger
F -- Enter Vehicle
Q - Mount to Wall/Surface
F11 - Change Voice Proximity (There are three levels of voices. Can change this in your key bind settings)
U - Locks and Unlocks vehicles. (HAVE to own the vehicle)
~ - Tilda Menu controls all you general day to day actions/menus through one button!
T - type in commands/in chat
F1 - Phone
F2 - Inventory
F3 - Emotes/Walking Styles/Moods
F5 - Vehicle Control Menu. Control your doors, windows, etc.
F6 - Job Menus (Only Used For Certain Jobs)
F7 - Bills (Will Show Tickets/Invoices To Pay)
F9 - ID checker
1 - 5 Top number Bar - Hot Keys for pockets
TAB - shows hotkeys
RIGHT CLICK - Look Down Weapon
RIGHT CLICK + SCROLL WHEEL - Aims Weapon More Down Sight
LEFT CLICK - Shoots weapon or hits melee
LEFT ALT - third-eye
ESC - Settings and Pause Menu
P - Open Map Directly
W - Vehicle Forward
S - Vehicle Reverse
A - Vehicle Turn Left
D - Vehicle Turn Right
Shift + W - Hug body to motorbike
E - Horn.
C - Look behind your vehicle.
V - Change Your View (Look Through 1st Person, And 3 Different Over Shoulder Views)
H - Cycle through your headlights.
F11 - Change Voice Proximity (There are three levels of voices. Can change this in your key bind settings)
F - Exit/Enter vehicle.
K - enter glovebox and/or trunk
CAPS LOCK - Cruise Limiter (Doesn’t allow you to go over X speed when its activated at X speed) Press again to disable Cruise.
TAB - Shows Hotkeys
SPACEBAR - e-brake
`/~ - Access Vehicle Menu
B - Buckle Seatbelt
F1 - Phone
F2 - Inventory
F9 - ID checker
1 - 5 Top number Bar - Hot Keys for pockets
U - Locks and Unlocks vehicles. (HAVE to own the vehicle)
ESC - Settings and Pause Menu
LEFT ALT - third-eye
H - Hold H to Put Your Hands Up
P - Open Map Directly