Here is the Official Project Rogue Gang Rulebook. This contains all rules that are to be followed by our Community Members at all times while being in the city and in a gang doing gang activities.
Our rules are made with
High Quality Roleplay & The Player at mind.
These rules are just a basic guideline of what good Roleplay looks like, and is not there to limit Roleplay, but to enhance it.
Please when reading these rules if you have any questions feel free to Contact us via our
Official Discord and use an open mind and understand these rules help improve the life at Project Rogue, and make the experience enjoyable and fresh always!


Please note any rules noted below are to be abided by and are bannable offenses. Some of these may not be in the main PR rulebook but that is because the civ life is different from gang life!

This guide is meant to be a more in depth guide to gangs and criminal activity, going into more detail to try and cover any gray areas that you might think exist. You as criminals are a very important part to how the city flows. With that it comes with great responsibility as well. A huge majority of players play crims so we need you guys to show exemplary role play and make sure you are doing things by the rules. It’s not always about winning, it's having engaging roleplay and fun stories for everyone involved and always keep in mind more story comes from a loss so it’s not the end of the world when it happens, it's an opportunity. You are not the hardest gangster or biker that has ever lived, don't play your character that way.

Solid RP is crucial on the server. Gang members have a significant influence on hostile RP, with a few exceptions. Your actions must have valid reasons behind them. We don't want any wars/ beef over minor incidents!!

At any time, staff can revoke WL gang status if the gang's roleplay is not up to standards of PRRP. Gangs should not be all about running around and shooting, there needs to be a valid RP reason for going to such extremes. Try and think of fun original ways to end conflict or deal with problems that arise. Make the scene fun for everyone! Not every group is looking for hostile interactions to end in a shootout. Read the room of the situation and react accordingly

1.0  Gang Members

  • Whitelist Gangs are limited to 25 members & 5 Hangarounds

  • Official Gangs are limited to 20 members & 3 Hangarounds

  • Crews or Unofficial Gangs are limited to 17 members & 3 Hangarounds

  • Hang arounds are not full members of the gang/crew therefore cannot be a part of the 6 during any beef, however, can participate in CASTLE DEFENSE. 

  • New members that are bled in WHILE your crew is in a beef will not be able to get involved in that beef. They can play in the CASTLE DEFENSE ONLY and cannot be a part of the 6


1.1 New Community Member Cooldowns

  • No new community player may become a full member of a gang within 14 days of joining Rogue

  • During this time, you may be a hang around for any gang in the city but nothing more. During that period of time, you should be learning the rules and processes that gangs have to follow during a beef. 

  • This rule is designed to protect both the new player and the gang itself from flying in new players for beef and having them violating rules and potentially jeopardizing the gang's status within Rogue. 

  • This rule applies to new players and any player returning from a permanent ban after management review

1.2 Gang Swapping:

  • Under no circumstances should you be gang hopping. This includes being bled out, being a hand around or associate to a gang and even starting a new gang after your departure from one. 

  • Anyone leaving their gang will be placed onto a 30 day cooldown. Gangs that are disbanding do not experience a cooldown. No gang related activity is allowed during the cooldown period.

  • RETALIATION PERIOD: If you have been bled out/kicked from your gang, you have 72 hours to “get back” at the gang to allow storylines to be preserved. Move on afterwards.

1.3 Clipping Software:

  • All clips submitted for review must be a minimum of 2 minutes WITH sound. Gang Management will no longer review any clips without proper context in them. This can be case by case, but at minimum clips must have sound.

1.4 Gang Beefs:

  • Retaliation towards another gang/crew will automatically officialize beef and robbing of GUNS AND DRUGS may occur. It is then the responsibility and requirement of the gang leaders of each gang to notify Gang Management in their respective channels of the official beef so gang management is aware of said beef and the reason for beef. 

  • 24 Hour Rule: Beefs must maintain momentum. Any gang caught blacking out or not flying in to avoid beef will receive a penalty of A GANG STRIKE for avoidance.

  • Beef WILL NOT exceed 5 days; meetings and negotiated remedies must happen throughout the course of your beef. Terms can be negotiated but if no resolution is found by day 5, The Cartel will deliver terms of war to both gangs in city to be resolved within 24 hours. Any gang refusing to comply with set terms could be met with a penalty, up to a possible gang strike.

  • Terms to end beef MUST BE ALIGNED with beef reason in RP i.e causing a gang to lose guns could result in giving some guns up that was initially lost, shit talking another gang could result in apologies.

  • ONLY illegal items can be robbed in an OFFICIAL beef. You may rob illegal items from bodies or vehicles ONLY DURING BEEF! (i.e if you're dumb enough to take $200k of dirty money to a slide, then you will likely lose it.)

  • ANY CREW ENGAGING IN GANG BEEF IS ELIGIBLE TO BE ROBBED! WE NO LONGER PROTECT UNOFFICIAL CREWS FROM BEING ROBBED DURING BEEF. If you are big enough to declare yourself a gang, you are subject to the same consequences and rules within Rogue. 

  • DO NOT open petty tickets because you are “pissed off”. If you encounter a rule break you wish to report, bring it to gang management. Tickets or clips submitted in a retaliatory manner after someone reports you will be dismissed by gang management. We are not here to micro-manage your beef, nor should we be stifling your RP by stepping in. If Gang Management cannot look at the ticket and immediately see the rule break then it will simply be closed.

  • Gangs are eligible to beef multiple gangs/crews at the same time. Needs to only be for valid reasons and actual good RP.

1.5 Six Man Rule:

  • In all scenarios, criminal groups/organizations must limit themselves to 6 members when it's gang vs gang.

  • In all scenarios vs cops, there can be 8 members. Breaking this rule will result in instant bans.

  • This rule also includes 6/8  people all together. This means if 6 people get in a shootout, and 2 go down, 2 more CANNOT join in the fight. This rule is strict and can lead to disciplinary action.

1.6 No Combat Medics:

  • - If others know where the 6 on the slide is going to be OUTSIDE OF CLAIMED GANG TURF, they cannot roam to that area in hopes of finding downed members. This is BREAKING NUMBERS and can also be viewed as META GAMING.

1.7 Hand Holding:

  • Other gangs/crews/people cannot slide or shoot with a gang during their beef. They may share information on locations or sightings, but nothing more. 

  • Other gangs/crew/people outside of the beefing gangs CAN help pick up bodies since it could incite potential RP consequences.

1.8 Vehicles:

  • Beefs/War shootouts are limited to 4 VEHICLES PER GANG

  • Gangs should NOT be sliding in any car with a small rear window, or any parts installed on the vehicle that would prevent the rear window from being shot through. (i.e massive wings, louvers, or even car design blocking the occupants heads)

  • DEATH RAMMING WILL BE CONSIDERED NOT VALUING YOUR LIFE AND WILL RESULT IN A BAN. No torpedoing in vehicles! (I.E. No head on BS, no excessive ramming, no full blown T-boning.)

1.9 Initiation:

  • Initiate before shooting. Starting beefs should be a story, and should be roleplayed to the point of shooting.

  • If you are already in an official beef with another crew and both parties are aware of the situation, then initiation just amounts to the other party knowing you’re present and who you are. (i.e seeing you near block, being chased, etc)

2.0 Toxicity:

  • - Any toxic nature during beef will be subject to bans. (i.e malding, excessively screaming at dead people, running over bodies, etc.)

  • Any OOC instigation or toxicity will not be tolerated. Bringing the beef into gang discord, main discord or other peoples DM’s will result in an automatic 24 hour ban AND AN AUTOMATIC GANG STRIKE. Consequences subject to increase if repeated.

2.1 Powergaming:

  • At no point should anyone be locking bodies behind closed doors/in compounds, etc. 

  • Do not use houses/properties/warehouses/etc. to gain an advantage or avoid a scene when you are in an active slide

2.2 Timers:

  • 45 minutes between slides (full day cycle). The timer starts after a scene has been inactive for 5 minutes (no shooting, no altercations, etc.) if something happens within the 5 minutes then the scene carries on. 

  • Once the timer is in play you CANNOT instigate, shit talk, clean off gang sprays, anything to get a reaction out of another crew knowing they cannot retaliate because there is a timer, you will be banned for breaking the timer.

2.3 Gang Turf/Territory::

  • Claimed territory must be approved by gang management at the time your gang becomes official. Basic rule of thumb is 4 postal, however, gang management will work with territory that makes sense.

  • All gang members are allowed to shoot when in their approved territory. Your entire turf is considered your castle and is defendable by all members, including official hang arounds.

2.4 Gang Clothing:

  • Gangs MUST wear their identifiable clothing when sliding/shooting in an OFFICIAL BEEF (Masks, colors, vests, custom clothing, chains, etc.)

  • We do not require ALL of these items to be worn, but your gang should be clearly identifiable to your enemy.

2.5 Gang War:

  • War will no longer require approval from gang management, however, we have a ticket area specifically for your war request! Once received, a meeting will be set with The Cartel and both gangs in city to negotiate war terms.

  • We will have mandated city rules for War that gangs MUST follow: Must wear chains, kuttes, masks, flags, colors, etc. AT ALL TIMES. Must paint cars as the respected gang color. Must be active and be in city daily to entertain the War RP (can reach out to other gang leader/Gang Management OOC if IRL stuff gets in the way of flying in.)

  • If you’re inactive during an official war, then your gang will forfeit the War. It is not fair on the opposing gang to be searching around just to find that you are not around when both sides have agreed to the terms.

  • Any illegal items and money in pockets can be robbed in an official War.

2.6 War Timers

  • Gang leaders will be required to meet with The Cartel and provide 3 Term Requests, 2 from each side will be approved. 

  • When WAR is set, gangs can request payment as reward either with guns and/or drugs BUT must make sense with the war. (Don't ask for 15 Deagles just cause you got shot at once and refuse to accept anything else.)

  • Gangs MUST agree on the payment, both sides will pay up to a The Cartel and whoever wins will be rewarded. Get CREATIVE with reward payments that apply to the War, don't be outrageous with the demands. Work with the other gang (if you want $500k on the line and they can only do $100k, meet them at the $100k.)

  • Removing the approval process will be a test run. If issues arise, this rule could be revisited. 

  • All beefs SHOULD NOT go to war! If we find this abused or being overused we will go back to an approval process. 

  • 3.2 War Timers

  • Gangs are on a WAR TIMER for 15 days (this means no declaring beef/war on anyone else) after a war.

  • Gangs are on a WAR TIMER for 30 days against the gang they just went to war with i.e. Gang A and Gang B just finished their war and they cannot beef/war again until 30 days have passed.

  • These timers will be monitored closely and could be lifted if the RP is sensible.