Here is the Official Project Rogue Rulebook. This contains all rules that are to be followed by our Community Members at all times while being in the city.
Our rules are made with High Quality Roleplay & The Player at mind.
These rules are just a basic guideline of what good Roleplay looks like, and is not there to limit Roleplay, but to enhance it.
Please when reading these rules if you have any questions feel free to Contact us via our Official Discord and use an open mind and understand these rules help improve the life at Project Rogue, and make the experience enjoyable and fresh always!
1.0 Age Requirement:
You must be 18+ to play on the server
1.1 Character Names:
Character names need to be realistic. You must have a first and Last name. And no slurs of any kind included in your character's name. Also, no celebrity names or typical names. I.e. Ben Dover, Meek Mill, I AM LEGEND, etc.
1.2 Character Farming (Cheating):
Character Farming is 110% the perfect one way ticket OUT of Rogue. We do not take kindly to cheaters, and/or character farmers. Character Farming is transferring items, money, cars, houses, etc. to another one of your characters. Multi Character Systems are a luxury, not a mandatory thing.
If you are caught AT ALL transferring ANYTHING from ONE OF YOUR CHARACTERS, to ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR CHARACTERS, you will be considered Character Farming, and will be in violation of our TOS. Violating this term can result in a permanent ban from Project Rogue.
This means any and all forms. Giving items to another character to give to another character or vice versa is still character farming.
We have systems in place to track these actions. We truly want you to be playing here, but we will not allow these type of actions. Please above all, play fair, and progress correctly!
1.3 Steam Names:
No racial, homophobic, or graphic steam names will be tolerated and will result in a ban.
This means you cannot put an emoji OR any kind of lettering other than the english keyboard in your steam name. This is imperative to our staff team to be able to easily identify individuals within our server.
1.4 Account responsibility:
If someone else is playing on your account, you are responsible for the actions they do. If they break a rule, you've broken a rule.
1.5 Working Microphone With No Background Noise:
A working microphone with no background noise is required to play at Project Rogue Roleplay. Please ensure you have a working microphone, and you have enabled Push To Talk in voice chat settings in game! There is no open or “Hot Mic”. Hot Mic is when your mic is left on and people can hear your background noise or ambient noise. Please enable Push To Talk in voice chat settings in game!
We do offer anyone who has a disability that allows them to not speak to directly work with our communities management to offer them exceptions to this rule. This would allow them to text base instead. This is always done by a case by case scenarios as we do believe in inclusion and diversity. PLEASE NOTE: Text base roleplay HAS TO BE APPROVED by community management before proceeding to do so.
1.6 Offensive & Forced Roleplay:
Offensive Roleplay includes the following: torture, dismemberment, other roleplay that may disgust another player. For example, a graphic scene that includes dismembering the person or just weird scenes that make someone feel uncomfortable.
The use of homophobic or racial slurs is strictly prohibited and immediate terms for a ban.
We do not take kindly to any type of rape or weird styles of RP that would make someone uncomfortable. Do not go up to a woman/male and act like you are doing anything that would get you arrested in real life. We are here to have fun, not make players uncomfortable.
We do not take kindly to harassment or sexual advances on a player that does not want to be engaged like that. Just like in real life, if a woman/male does not want you to advance them like you are, DO NOT continue.
1.7 ERP:
Erotic Roleplay must be consented by all parties involved, and has to be 18+ of course.
1.8 External Crosshairs:
We provide crosshairs in city by doing the /togglecrosshair command in game. This means you can either use it or not, but you are not allowed to use 3rd Party Software to place a crosshair on your screen. This is not Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto Online. If caught with an External Crosshair, you will be temporarily banned until a solution can be made.
1.9 Terrorism/Suicide RP:
We understand that both these events unfortunately occur in real life however they are touchy subjects and we are setting the rule to disallow both of these in our city for obvious reasons.
2.0 Threats:
OOC threats are not allowed in any way, shape, or manner. This will result in a Perma Ban.
2.1 Exploiting:
Using mechanics/bugs of the game to help you in character is strictly prohibited and you can be banned permanently for doing so and not reporting the bug and/or utilizing the bug. When you find a bug, you immediately report it, and do not talk about it with others, friends, etc.
(Ex. Utilizing a money glitch, Infinite Loops, client dumping, etc.)
2.2 Use Of Third Party Software:
Use of third party software like Crosshairs, auto-miners, and discord communications are prohibited when in the city. We have reticles on guns, radios in the city, etc for all in game functionality and communication. This is a bannable offense and is monitored very closely
Absolutely no type of 3rd party software is allowed PERIOD. This includes but is not limited to: ANY TYPE of tracers, no props, Crosshairs, Aim Bots, etc. Players are also held responsible if they are aware someone else is using it, and they do not report it.
Players caught changing their files/adding files to have a “tactical advantage” will be met with a ban, that is not appealable. We do not deal with cheaters, manipulators, etc.
Discord calls. You are NOT allowed to be in a discord call while you are playing within the server period. The only time we allow for players to join a discord call is when they are meeting with a member of our staff team and or management team.
Watching someone's stream While in city is highly frowned upon, We do allow however for you to lurk and give them a viewer. If you are caught typing in the chat and being in city at the same time you will be banned for breaking this rule.
2.3 Green Zones:
Greens zones are areas where illegal and or violent actions will not be tolerated whatsoever. These zones include inside and outside of them, along with the property they reside on.
Do not shoot, stab, punch or hurt anyone in a green zone. Do not rob anyone or take anyone hostage in a green zone. Do not provoke IE. talking smack to someone in a greezone. These zones are off limits to this type of behavior. (Please note: Punching at MRPD in the cells can be acceptable if done properly as its realistic. MRPDs green zone really focuses on shootings, riots, stealing of cars, etc.)
Do not use the green zone to get out of an interaction. If you are seen running to one of the green zones, you will be banned as if you broke the green zone as well.
Publicly known events like Races, Community Gatherings, etc. posted in the discord by a staff member are automatic green zones. We do not believe in ruining the community's experience at events, because of ignorance and bad RP.
Known permanent Green Zone(s) at this time are Hospitals, All Police stations, and Public Apartments at the Hedera Apartments, The parking lot of the Prison. Players should not be camping the exit of prison waiting for someone to get out of jail so u can kill them.
Please note. If you are initiating on someone by talking smack to them telling them to do something to you and or you provoke them in a greezone they can kill or rob you. And YOU will be in violation of this rule break.
2.4 Vehicle & House Scamming / IRL Currency Trading:
Do not try to sell a vehicle you do not own to a new or existing player to scam them out of in city cash. Its just messed up and their would be ways of understanding that the car was stolen, like a punched ignition.
ABSOULETLY DO NOT try to sell in game vehicles, houses, or items for IRL in cash to another player, as you will banned permanently from the city, along with those items you sold seized from the other player.
2.5 Default Danny:
Do not role play as a default character that you first fly in as with the bald head and ugly clothes. Create your own character as your own personal style. If you spawn in as a default danny and were unable to create or customize your character please open a ticket or go IMMEDIATELY to Pillbox, where you can find a Plastic Surgeon. Also most of our customization can be accessed through clothing stores and barbershops! These also do not cost anything to the player.
2.6 RDM & No Initiation Roleplay
RDM (Random Death Match). The act of shooting someone with no legitimate Roleplay Reason)
This falls under RDM, however it pertains to multiple scenarios. No initiation roleplay is NOT acceptable in any form. If you are going to shoot, react, or do anything to another player, you must initiate first. (i.e. Before you shoot at someone, you must be in an interaction with them. Examples would be talking to the player, confronting the player, etc.)
2.7 VDM:
VDM (Vehicular Death Match) is running people over purposefully, and intently to just mass kill people with no RP behind it. Additionally, we recommend all players to never use their vehicle as a weapon just because. This is a very common sense rule, and you do not treat this like a GTA lobby.
This does not mean “I hate you, I am going to run you over right now”. This means there should be RP behind it, and DEPTH RP behind it.
2.8 No intent to Roleplay & Low Quality Roleplay:
Don't do lazy RP. Shooting at a cop at a traffic stop, shooting at a civilian because they hit your car, etc. We are a high quality roleplay server, and looking for a good time not call of duty. If you feel you are getting tired or restless, please take a break. We don’t want you to make poor choices and get a ban because you got tired and weren’t thinking.
Low Quality Roleplay would be considered any actions or behavior that detracts from or lacks effort towards the scene you are involved in.
EXAMPLES (not limited to these)
Turning low tier robbery into an ambush or one-way trap on cops
Baiting beefs or shootouts over low brow incidents like fender benders or minor drama
Running from the hospital in handcuffs
Shooting off of a basic traffic stop
Please note. This rule is left up to the discretion of our staff team. There should be no question on if you're roleplaying or not. Every scene should be a story to your character's arc. Not Fly in one day and play your character fly in the next because you're bored and have nothing else to do. We ask that if you're not feeling it for the day simply fly out and come back when you're ready to RP.
2.9 Fail RP & NVL (No Value of Life):
Breaking character, talking like you did not just get shot on the ground, talking OOC, jumping off a three-story building and running away, revived and running away, being tased 14 times and acting like you have not been, etc. Fail RP is not role-playing realistically. Fail RP can happen in a lot of different scenarios and is a must to follow. Please treat your character like you are them, and follow what you would do in real life.
Players CANNOT utilize a police vest or uniform from a clothing store or skin shop.
NVL is a very important rule to not break, and this refers to players treating situations like real life, and treating your characters life’s like there’s only one to live. This Rule is very simple to follow and a basic RP rule. Any breaks of this rule will be an instant 3 day ban. And should NEVER be broken twice.
Some examples are, but not limited to: On foot and a bunch of gang members get out and tell you to put your hands up, jumping off high places just to get away even though you’d die, Driving your car into the water to escape police etc. (However, there are situations, like if a player is in a vehicle, and being robbed, they can drive off like they would in real life, etc.)
Carrying someone while in a vehicle and or motorcycle. Is not allowed this would also fall under powergaming.
3.0 Fear RP:
Not fearing for your life. A gun is held to your head and/or you are outnumbered, do not try and be a hero. Feel as if you may die if the scenario presents itself.
Your life should be treated as one life. Fearing for your life is a must and NEEDS to be apart of your RP.
We do not care how big of a gang banger you are or how tough your character is. We simply ask you act out as if they shoot you, you'd lose your character forever. Not following this rule COULD result in your character being perma killed by the management team.
3.1 Breaking Character:
Do not break character for any reasons. This means using OOC terms
A few examples of breaking character would be, Calling someone weird as if they just power gammed you, Talking about things that aren't in the GTA universe. Losing your mind and maulding because you got caught by the police and or got shot down. Telling EMS they “killed me” when youre clearly not dead.
Rulesplaining, this would be explaining to someone how they are breaking the rules through either OOC or IC verbiage this IS NOT allowed here at Project Rogue
Please note. This rule is left up to the interpretation of our members of staff. There is no Grey area here you break this rule. A ban and or coaching will take place.
For streamers. We do not allow verbiage like “the voices in my head told me” or anything of that nature here. No one in the city should know you are streaming. If something happens and you don't want your stream to see simply say I’m getting a phone call /e phonecall to stop the scene, mute your steam and continue.
3.2 Metagaming:
The Act of using outside knowledge in character that you would not know IC. Ex. watching someone’s stream, information exchanged over a discord call. Using a discord call while in the city is strictly prohibited.
Streamers who have a chat are NOT ALLOWED to use info given by their chat in city. They are NOT voices in your head giving you info you cannot act upon the info they give you.
3.3 Power Gaming:
Abusing a game mechanic to help you out in a roleplay scenario.
Power Gaming can come up in a lot of scenarios, and you might not even know you are power gaming.
Examples include, but are not limited to: continuously being tackled and not giving up to police, being tased over and over and over again and seeming to never take actual affect from the taser, talking on radio while cuffed or zip tied, abusing door lock systems. These are just a few examples of Power Gaming. Please remember to treat scenes accordingly.
Custom peds are allowed inside the server but players are not allowed to change their peds identity after the fact. Meaning if you choose be a black ped model instead of the freemode model, you are not allowed to change that ped moving forward as it makes 0 sense that you went from ABC to XYZ.
At no point should anyone be locking bodies behind closed doors/in compounds, etc.
Do not use houses/properties/warehouses/etc. to gain an advantage or avoid a scene when you are in an active slide or shootout.
3.4 Intentional Ramming:
Continuously Ramming a player's car just to start a conflict. It's low effort and doesn't spark any useful RP. Could also be looked at as RDM.
3.5 New Life Rule:
Players are allowed to remember what happened to them when going down (“dying”), unless in two certain circumstances.
Those two circumstances is if the person is dumped into the ocean, or dropped from a height as tall or taller then the Dam in Mirror Park.
Players should be providing HIGH QUALITY ROLEPLAY around this rule, and if they don’t would be violating our Rules. Please do not go dumping everybody or aiming to do these actions just because you want to or are bored.
Please also note that illegal bragging on twitter or other in city measures, will result in the player being able to remember what you have done to them. Tweeting “Have fun with the fishes”, etc. would result in the player being able to remember what you have done to them.
Players who die any other way, can remember their deaths and what caused it, along with use that information in character still. This is to provide players with making critical decisions, and thinking before you kill.
3.6 Griefing:
Continuously harassing a player multiple scenes in a row is not allowed. You are NOT allowed to camp/post up by pillbox waiting for people.
If you are in a gang and someone disrespects you and or steps on your toes. You are not allowed to go after them time and time and time again. They MUST give you a reason each time after the first. Examples of this would be: You shoot them down, see them again later and they're shit talking to you. We expect good roleplay when it comes to beefing. You should not just kill them and or rob them over and over again.
3.7 Combat Logging:
Combat logging is logging out to avoid an interaction or to prevent a scene from continuing. For example, being in a shoot out and not wanting to die, getting caught by police, or getting robbed so you decide to log out. We understand that crashes may happen but if it is found that you have combat logged, action will be taken. Crash reports are auto saved in your files.
3.8 Illegal Bragging:
Don't advertise illegal drugs, goods, behavior on twitter just to seem like you are a big shot. You wouldn’t do that in real life, so don’t do it here
3.9 Selling Illegal Locations
Selling a location to someone is prohibited, and can result in a ban. It’s meant to RP it out. Do not sell illegal places to farm drugs, get drugs, guns, etc.
4.0 OOC Usage & OOC Chat:
Players are also not to direct message or send any sort of OOC message to any player. Any type of DM or contact that is sent that is not asked for by the player(s) is a bannable offense.
Taking things OOC and/or getting mad is absolutely not allowed. You are playing a roleplaying video game, and no player should be harrassed, messaged, bothered, etc. about in character / in city matters.
We have /report to ask any questions, along with the support section in discord, and/or make a ticket. There is no need to use OOC chat, verbiage, etc. while in the city.
OOC chatter is not allowed and is a bannable offense.
4.1 Spamming:
Spamming a message in OOC, 911, spamming the pager at pillbox, the police stations and or /report will not be tolerated. If you're not receiving help please open a ticket in discord. As well, spamming a staff member's DMs about a ban or requesting help is not tolerated.
4.2 Aircrafts:
Under no circumstance can you steal/fly any aircraft unless you are part of a whitelisted job that requires you to pilot an aircraft. It is impossible for an average citizen to walk into an airport and start flying an aircraft.
4.3 Whitelisted Jobs & Limits
As a community, we have decided to allow people the limit to TWO WHITELSITED JOBS. This is going to be monitored more closely and will ensure that players are not abusing this rule.
Players are capped to TWO WHITELISTED JOBS. This means that you can work at a mechanic shop and Burger Shot.
Players should ensure quality however, and make sure they are spending time at both jobs as employee rosters play a critical role in our communities success. If this becomes an issue, players will be spoken to about the importance of their roles, and ensure they are doing this.
GOVERNMENT JOBS like POLICE, EMS, LAWYERS, etc. always top priority, and make sure you are focusing them on that character. Players are expected to put these jobs in front of others as they are NEEDED for the city to operate.
Players are given this as a luxury, and please do not be surprised if you get fired from a job because the leaders/owners do not think you are clocking on enough. We will allow all jobs to fire employees as they see fit with attendance and timeliness.
4.4 Paycheck Farming & Abusing Whitelisted Jobs
Do not stay clocked on to your whitelisted job if you are going away from the place of business for an extended period of time (More Than 10 Minutes) just to collect its paycheck.
If you are caught doing crime on a character with a whitelisted job, you may be fired from your job and or jailed/fined. Please clock off before doing any type of crime. We don’t want to see that while you were on duty as a car dealer, you robbed a bank.
Corrupt cops/EMS/Lawyers are NOT ALLOWED. You cannot utilize an armory, stash, etc. to make financial gain or distribute drugs/guns/items to the city. We have logs for this, and if you are caught doing so, you will be banned.
Abusing the perks of a job like EMS, Police or Lawyers is strictly prohibited and anyone doing so will result in a ban.
4.5 Talking While Downed:
You are alowed to talk while downed, HOWEVER, you MUST speak injured and act out your injury. Talking normally, have a conversation with friends, etc. should never happen while you are down on the ground from ANY type of injury. If doing so, it can result in a non appealable ban of 48 hours or more.
Talking on a radio or a phone while down is prohibited and can result in disciplinary action! We have implemented stops to these ourselves, however, its a blanket statement for any type of weird glitches, etc.
If you are down and your friends magically find you, we will assume that you used external uses or radio/phone in game to get them your information. Please do not power game, simply put, just act out your injuries while down, or do not talk at all.
If you have downed someone or are around downed individuals, and you run around them, talking to their dead bodies, and egging them on, you will face the same punishments as above. We do not believe in toxic behavior and when killing someone, there is never a reason you need to go up to a body, and exchange words to those people. This is very strict and is heavily monitored. Do not do it.
4.6 Identifying Players Through Voice & Other Means:
Players can Identify other players of course through face and clothes. This includes beards, hair, masks, hats, tattoos, features, etc. You CANNOT identify someone by Voice. Other then voice, everything is open to identify by. Criminals who do not change outfits, cars, habits, etc. can be identified and singled out.
4.7 Returning To Crime Scenes:
Players cannot return to Crime Scenes, or stick around Crime Scenes. Once the action concludes, or you leave the main scene, you should not be doubling back or lingering around the scene.
Players who are criminals cannot return to scenes after they have been downed. Reference retaliation timers before you may re-engage in a scene with someone who downed you.
Non-involved members of a scene (gang or police shootouts, heists, etc) shouldn’t be lingering or rubbernecking scenes or presenting an interference or confusion of the scene at hand. Keep your distance so as to not be seen as involved.
Cops should not be returning to ACTIVE SCENES, meaning they should never re-engage in combat once they’ve been downed and healed.
A downed officer may ONLY return to a scene once it has concluded to assist in evidence collection, body collection and processing.
When it comes to any sort of hostile situations with police:
For all petty crimes, lower tier heists (Store, Ammunation, Vangelico), and up to B-class boosts; criminal groups/organizations must limit themselves to 4 members.
For all Fleecas, Paletos, and A-class boosts criminal groups/organizations must limit themselves to 6 members.
For all major institution robberies (Pacific Bank, Bobcat, Mazebank) and S-class boosts, criminal groups/organizations must limit themselves to 8 members.
When it comes to any sort of hostile situation between gangs or gang beef:
Criminal groups/organizations must limit themselves to 6 members each.
These maximums include total members allowed from start to finish of the scene. Not downed or up. This means if 2 members go down, 2 members CANNOT then join in the fight. This rule is strictly enforced and can lead to disciplinary action.
4.9 Robbing Players:
When it comes to robbing players we are not a 100K or Die server and do not believe in robbing players constantly and just because. There will be no robbing for monetary gain or a way to make money in the server. DO NOT rob players constantly. Failure to follow will result in disciplinary actions.
There must be a legitimate reason to rob someone. A legitimate reason is NOT “I am a gangster” or “I needed money” or “They hit my car”. These are just a few examples of terrible reasons to rob someone, and it will not be tolerated. Please use common sense and drop the mind set you will ever get rich from stealing from players at Rogue.
Robbing a player should always have a very good roleplay reasoning as to why the robbery is happening, and all parties involved should know and understand why the robbery is taking place. Again roleplay is about explaining it to all parties and making things feel like a movie scene.
When robbing a player, you can only rob the person at hand meaning Vehicles, Properties, MLOs, Compounds, etc. are all **OFF LIMITS**. This is not a Rust server, so we do not believe in Pocket Wiping, “Base Raiding”, “Vehicle Wiping”, etc. The robbery should not be intended to completely reset or even half way reset the player. Good roleplay is not completely resetting some ones assets.
The only thing you may rob is illegal contraband. Nothing else. Dirty Cash Rolls, Drugs, Guns, Ammo, Armors, etc. is considered illegal contraband and would be fair game to rob off a player that was involved in your good roleplay scene. Stealing Pickaxes, Med kits, Food, legal items, etc. is not allowed.
Robbing someone while they are AFK is obviously not allowed.
If you rob someone, you can not kill them. You can only do either or. Looting dead bodies is not allowed.
5.0 Cop Fear:
All players need to have some understanding and respect of law enforcement in the city. We are not saying that you have to treat them like gods, but also, need to realistically treat them like they are the law. At the end of the day, this is serious RP, and we believe that treating law enforcement creates a more immersive environment.
We are based in a LA environment where there would be realistically 10,354 officers sworn in. With this in mind we do not allow players to rob cops as realistically it makes 0 sense, and wouldn’t happen in real life.
There should never be a time where players are asking “how many cops are there” or “where are the cops” to an officer or another player. There are tools in the city that you can use to find this information instead of trying to find it out in weird ways.
It is important to understand when it is the right time to interfere in a police interaction that is happening. We believe that once a player is downed and/or taken into custody by law enforcement personnel you are considered to be in the custody of the law (this also includes being taken to pillbox by Law Enforcement as well. This hospital would be packed to the brim with people and security). The scene and/or interaction that you were in that led up to that arrest is concluded at this time. Be mindful of how to approach interactions like this, we recommend to not intervene and attack law enforcement to ensure the release of your associate and/or friend. If the player could not out run the police, they need to accept the L and proceed on.
We want to note that players doing jobs or illegal activity together if they wreck out, can of course run from the police or turn on the police and try to out gun them. This does not stop those who are in a scene to react in their scene. This only limits people from trying to stop people already downed or is in custody constantly. This is TO NOT LIMIT roleplay. This is to limit the endless waves of people coming to people who have gotten into trouble, are IN CUSTODY, and under arrest already.
Some other great examples of cop fear and failing to do so could be:
Stopping at a traffic stop that a cop is conducting and asking them what they are doing.
Seeing a friend in custody, and running up to them going what’s going on officer or shooting them just because
Going up to a officer and treating them like you would not in real life
Police/Cop baiting to basically make the cops interact with you cause you are bored
Cop Fear is super important in our community to ensure the success of the city. Please keep this rule in mind as it can lead to disciplinary action including but not limited to temporary bans and further more.
5.1 Robberies Without Hostages/Solo Robbing:
You are not permitted to do robberies of any sort by yourself besides a house robbery. All other robberies require at bare minimum 2 people (1 in front, 1 in back) of any robbery you are doing.
You are NOT PERMITTED to rob banks, Paleto Bank, Big Bank, Bob Cat, or any other robbery above these robberies without hostages. We believe this is low effort RP, and should be common sense to go through the steps of robbing places. Smash and Grabs are just ways to get money without any interaction with others in the server, and are highly frowned upon.
You ARE PERMITTED to rob Houses, Stores, ATMs, and Vangelico Jewelry without hostages. The police will give you free passage to your vehicle on these robberies to prevent constant hostage taking of players in the server and provides a better player experience over all due to 50% of robberies do not require to bring a human hostage.
For Store Robberies and ATMs, players need to stay for at least 5 minutes after they have completed the robbery. This makes sure the interaction is there. We understand that some people are insane at hitting stores and ATMs but we are pushing for more interaction in these scenarios, and it will reward you for evading police. People will be banned if they do not follow this rule.
5.2 Hostage Taking:
The maximum hostages needed for any job within the city is four (4) This is our maximum allowed hostages to not take away too many players from their RP. Anyone exceeding this number will be subject to consequences.
Hostages while at higher tier crimes should be only kept for 15 minutes. This means, once the police get on scene, you should start to negotiate with them, and get the hostages out in a timely manner. This ensures people are not taken away from Roleplay for more then 15 minutes. The police are required to have good faith, and comply with your hostage demands, even after releasing them. (Police will still breach a job if you take forever with the job. The police arent going to sit outside for 45 minutes because you stink at hacking).
Essentially you will grab a hostage, take them to the job, negotiate with police for Free Passage, etc. and then release the hostage before the job is done. The hostage is then exchanged for a “place holder” like a token, where the player who is a hostage now gets to enjoy their night of roleplay, without sitting in a job for 40 minutes, 3 times a night, cancelling out roleplay for that player. The player who is a robber, also gets to have his demands met for free passage, etc., as long as they are not taking forever to hit the job!
We have a lot of player owned businesses and they need their employees there to make it run. Please try everything in your power to get hostages from other sources besides a whitelisted business. Its frowned upon to do this as these businesses are what makes our world and community thrive.
You can take a cop hostage if there are at least 4 cops online + the one you are kidnapping. 5 Total Cops Online. (Utilizing police as a hostage for robberies is permitted but frowned upon, and should be your LAST MEANS as this takes away from the RP of the robbery for the cops. )
Taking a civilian hostage is only for quality roleplay (Robbing A Bank or Higher, etc.) and must not keep a hostage for more than one robbery.
Hostages are not exchanged for people, nor for cash. Do not take a hostage to MRPD or somewhere else, and demand your friend be let go or for 5K for a hostage from the police. This limits the cop RP as everyone and their dog would do this to get their friends out, and the police have no value. We want all sides to have fun. (Sometimes, see if they will transport your friend for extended RP instead of shortening the RP for the other side!)
5.3 Robbery Cooldowns While Having Hostages:
You are not permitted to sit and wait for the cooldown of any robbery with the hostage inside. If you bring a hostage and attempt to rob it while it has a cooldown still then please leave the scene and let the hostage go if there is 5 or more minutes to wait. You will be banned if this persists as it limits the RP the other character can do, because you want to wait 10 minutes for something.
5.4 Vehicles For Any Type Of Robbery, Drug Sales, Etc.
You can use any vehicle besides aircraft in illegal crime.
Players should still use fake plates on personal vehicles.
Players still should not take Lambo and Ferraris to the front doors of any type of robbery. Players should still make an effort in attempting to make it feel real. Take a sultan to the robbery, and stash the Lambo down the block or something. Make it realistic, at least kind of!
If you are seen selling drugs on any type of motorcycle while mounted on the bike, you will face a 48 hour ban, and removal of the money you had made. Please avoid using a motorcycle in every interaction you do.
5.5 When Can Criminal/Illegal Activity Happen?
Basic Criminal & Illegal activity (besides gang wars) can occur 20 minutes after a tsunami/restart and can also be done up to 20 minutes before the tsunami/restart. This means drug sales, boosting under S Class boosts, Tagging, Shooting, and other small arms crimes that dont result in a bunch of a cops coming and some big scene happening.
Other illegal activities including ALL ROBBERIES, S Class Boosts, Major Conflicts, etc. cannot be done for 60 minutes after a tsunami/restart and can also be done up to 60 minutes before the tsunami/restart!
Please DO NOT do any type of major robbery like Bobcat, Banks, Union, etc. as you will not be able to ensure a getaway within this time.
Please respect this rule as we like to give time for the city to get back active after a restart. We want you to provide an actual good scene instead of trying to rush through the scene because of a restart.
You cannot evade police and do illegal activity because of the fact that it's a tsunami and that you can outrun the timer of the restart. This is considered power gaming. This is to ensure people do not get interrupted and stopped in a scene because of a restart.
5.6 Chain Robbing
Do not chain rob. Please allow 45 min before each robbery. If you are caught in chain robbing stores, or ATMs you could face disciplinary action and/or removal of the money you received from the robbery.
Players are to NOT back to back rob locations with the same interaction all the time. What this means, that if you are caught doing a bank, you should NOT be hitting the same bank with the same car with the same people 45 minutes later. Players must bring RP to their interactions. Doing the same thing, same game plan, same robbery, same everything will be met with Chain Robbing violations.
For Store Robberies and ATMs, players need to stay for at least 5 minutes after they have completed the robbery. This makes sure the interaction is there. We understand that some people are insane at hitting stores and ATMs but we are pushing for more interaction in these scenarios, and it will reward you for evading police. People will be banned if they do not follow this rule.
5.7 Emergency Vehicles (Police & EMS)
Emergency vehicles are OFF LIMITS to steal or drive if you are NOT hired on at one of these jobs. This means that if you are not an EMS, Police Officer, or Emergency Personnel, you are to NOT drive or steal one of these vehicles.
Players are NOT allowed to loot Emergency Vehicles. It falls under the same guidelines highlighted in rule 4.9. Do not rob anything out of an emergency vehicle or you will face disciplinary action.
You may steal a cop car in one instance and one instance ONLY: IF THAT IS YOUR ONLY ESCAPE OPTION. If you get away from the police you MUST get rid of the car at the first chance you get. You may not just drive it around like you own it now.
Players are not allowed to tag or graffiti on any Government Entity (Police Stations, Fire Houses, Pillbox, FIB, etc.) Doing so can result in a ban and will be policed heavily
Players are not allowed to tag or graffiti any racial or personal attacking messages (Racist Slurs, Sex Attacks, Weirdo Stuff, etc.)
It is highly encouraged to not abuse graffiti as it can be taken away at any point. Please be unique and have a purpose. No CopK, GangK, etc.
5.9 Gang Wars:
Gang wars are started by the leaders, and only the leaders of a gang. In the case of a gang war, terms are set with an admin of the server. This includes manipulating rules like VDM, RDM, killing/robbing dead bodies, and the New Life Rule. When terms are set, they are to be followed until the end of the gang war or they are renegotiated with an admin and all parties agree.
If you are not participating in gang on gang via the terms of a war, you are to always resort to the Six Man Rule in section 4.8 of our rulebook. Always keep things to 6 v 6 unless gang vs gang in a war that is recognized by the government
Wars are never started or negotiated with a high acting member of staff present with both parties, and they agree on all terms in writing.
If we start to receive a bunch of tickets about your war, the government will shut it down, as we believe in QUALITY RP and all interactions seen by others should be that quality as well.
6.0 Gang Caps (WL & UWL):
Whitelisted Gangs are limited to a 21 person maximum cap. This means each Whitelisted Gang is allowed 20 regular member positions with the 1 being for the boss making 21.
Un-Whitelisted Gangs are limited to a 15 person maximum cap until they are Whitelisted.
Gangs are to follow the max capacity that is stated within this rule at all times due to Monopolo’s.
6.1 Gang Hopping:
Joining a gang should be a big character decision. If your character wants to join a gang, make sure you understand what this rule entails. You are not allowed to hop organization/gangs by any means. What this would mean is that if you are not enjoying your time with organization/gang, and you want to leave, your character must go on a 30 day cooldown from joining another gang. Due to the fact that in real life, you cannot just join the Bloods, and go to the Crips without proving yourself. This includes all types of gang hopping including being a “hang around”, or associate of another gang. This rule is intended for both Whitelisted and Non Whitelisted Gangs/Crews. This rule is enforced and we will not allow gang hoping.
This rule also covers joining multiple gangs on other characters. It would not make sense to have two or more characters have beef with another one of your characters. Thus, only 1 gang or crew is allowed for all characters.
6.3 Camping Bodies:
You are to not camp bodies after killing someone. The rule is very simple, and policed heavily. If you are caught doing so, you may face disciplinary action. Do not kill someone and stand around for a long time, talking to downed bodies, and trying to get a reaction out of the dead.
6.4 Retaliation Rules:
Retaliation times are in place. Players must not retaliate for at least 50 Minutes. This goes bother ways for both parties. (48 minutes = 1 in game day). This means to not show back up to any type of scene or initiate any scene with a group of people that you just interacted with and you went down. Essentially, if you get shot and go down or you shot and put someone down, do not go back to those same people until 50 minutes has expired.
50 minutes is just a baseline and should not be utilized to control your RP around it. We should not hear “I’m gonna run you every 48” or “Is 48 timers up?” or “48 minutes Ill be back”. If we hear this, you will simply be banned for treating things like a video game, instead of story telling and actually having purpose to your Roleplay. Refer to 100K or die servers if you want to participate in this behavior. We cannot stress enough that if you are here to just shoot all the time, especially doing it every 48 minutes, Rogue is literally not the home for you.
6.5 Gang Colors and Gang Pressing:
Gangs are to not press over Gang Colored Clothing Items and Vehicles. Gangs are to either find an identity through specialized chains, back pocket flags, or masks. We do not believe in pressing someone of their vehicle color, or because they are wearing a red hoodie and shoes.
Gangs are open and can press people in their hoods/areas. This does not mean pressing a garbage man, or post op van. This means if the person is doing illegal activity or is in your area while not doing legal work, then they are considered in your hood/area. You can now interact with these people by free will.
6.6 Asset Dumping:
We do not allow asset dumping. Asset dumping is where you plan to perma a character or leave the server and give all your stuff away for dirt cheap. No one knows when they are dying and definitely does not start selling millions of dollars of assets for $1 or cheap. It ruins economies when players do these actions and does not align with our visions and values. No type of transferring assets between each other due to a death, perma, departure, etc. This means no death wills, no “I left my stuff to XYZ” etc.
If a player is found asset dumping before a perma or departure of the city, all assets WILL BE DELETED and WILL NOT be returned.
6.7 100K or Die Mindset / Toxic Behaviors:
Project Rogue is not a 100K or Die server, and the type of roleplay that comes with those servers is NOT accepted here at Project Rogue one bit. We are a serious RP server, that strives for good interactions with like minded adults.
We will not tolerate bland RP that consists mostly of shooting or driving to your next shooting. This is not the server for that style of RP and you would be wasting your time if you think we will allow it as we take it very serious.
If you are looking to just shoot, rob, and scam all day basically, Project Rogue is not the home for you.
Toxic behaviors will be met with strong repercussions and punishments
6.8 Gang Fear:
Gang Turfs are dangerous areas! If you are on a gangs turf a gang can press you and give you the ultimatum to get up off the turf or you'll be met with consequences that you will not like! If you choose to ignore these threats and act like you are the hot shot, gangs can and most likely will rob and kill you. We do allow them to do both if you choose to not value your life, and we do see this is as Fail RP and NVL.
This means you could possibly be robbed of all your possessions, killed, and a ban issued for NVL/Fail RP if you choose to act in this manor. At the end of the day you should never purposely go down to a gangs territory and try to start stuff with them just because you think you will not loose out on money, items, and time because of our rule set around robbing people.
This is a unique rule that we have put in place to ensure that people are always valuing their life, and treating it more serious then what we have seen in the past. Please also do note, that this rule is ONLY on gang territory of MAX to 4 blocks. This should not be something that is done daily, and only to people who try to act weird in a Roleplay scenario.
This is more targeted to civs who might do this, but of course covers everyone. At the end of the day its serious Roleplay and you should be valuing your life and possessions.
6.9 PEDS
Players are allowed to have peds within our server.
We do NOT allow for any kind of fail RP things to be on your ped. Ie guns that you do not have on your actual player.
Any type of clothing that will give you an advantage over someone else. Clothing MUST make sense on your peds. You may be asked to show us examples of when and where something like that would ever be used.
Peds are REQUIRED to have less than 50,000 pollys on any single clothing item, tattoo and or body parts. 100MB is the limit for the ped.
Disclaimer. Ped are required to obey CFXs TOS including now IRL brands or IPL. All peds also added to our server fall under our TOS, which we hold every right to remove, edit, or delete items and or your ped itself from the server for any reasons we see fit.
7.0 Maulding.
Maulding is a form of breaking character. We DO NOT allow player too loose their minds within the server this could be but is not limited too. Screaming at the top of your lungs at someone because you lost. Breaking every rule in the book because something didn't go your way.
We simply ask you to mute your mic take a second if you are dead, utilize /me’s to RP out your injuries until you've calmed down.
This is not limited to IC. Our staff team works for free to better the city. You are NOT ALLOWED to come into a staff call and or ticket and go crazy on our staff team we will simply just remove you from the discord with no chance at an appeal.
7.1 External Links In Game | AI Generated Photos.
Do not post AI Generated photos, or adjusted AI photos of your character, etc. Doing so will lead to disciplinary actions.
People should only ever post graphic art made for promotions for businesses and or events. Nothing else.
Players can take their in game photos in photoshop, etc. and edit them there like you would on real social media, but they should not be adjusted and edited by AI, as they make the images look out of place and not meant for in game social medias, etc.
Read the rules and ready to get down with ProjectRogueRP?
Hit the button below to automatically launch FiveM and join our city now, to start your journey with Project Rogue!